What is DiviDecks?
Use DiviDecks to invest in the musicians you love.
Buy into a project to directly support your favourite musical artists and bands.
All music investments pay royalties to the fans every month with no fees.
Artists get PAID.
Your money goes straight to the artist, no BS.
Artists get the funding they need to make their music career a success.
DiviDecks charges a one-time 15% fee at checkout and nothing else.
Fans get PAID TOO.
You blow up when the artist does.
Your royalties from your investments are paid each and every month.
The first royalty payment gets paid in the 2nd month.
Do NOT treat DiviDecks like a safe investment platform.
You are NOT likely to be paid back in royalties the same or more than you invested.
This platform is to support the artists you love, with a way to share their success.
BUT! If the artist you invested in blows up, this could be you.
The Game.
Fans invest in your Pitch.
Artist produces song.
DiviDecks publishes song.
Royalties paid to all.
The Supreme Leader.
Leading the music revolution from the front in a blaze of glory, our Supreme Leader, Alistair Brown:
“We will wrestle control of our music from the hands the corporate masters.
We will unchain the creative industry from the shackles of mainstream spotlighting.
We will liberate the artists from the binding contracts that prioritise
Free the Music.
More Dreams.
More Artists.
And DiviDecks is our most valuable resource.
Take back the industry from those that crush talent and creativity under the boots of the corporate swamp.
Use DiviDecks to liberate the sounds of life, of love, of feelings and experience. Now is your chance!”